Happy New Year...a few musings to begin the year.
I’m curious to try this new grocery of non-branded goods, all priced at $3.
Tough as a Mother | Sweatshirt
Finishing thank you notes from the holidays. A handwritten note is always the best, and this guide is perfect.
We were traveling and missed the after Christmas holiday sales, but I did find this beautiful candle holder that I plan to use for my Advent candles next Christmas.
This movie. Creep. Always my worst fear. Yuck. And her funny write up about it.
A storytelling podcast for kids ages 4 to 10. (I always wanted to create a radio station like this when my boys were younger...and oh, healthy drive thru's too).
This essential oil for fighting viruses.
This fleece vest.
Working to Disarm Women’s Anti-Aging Demon
A searchable database that lets you know whether or not a film or television show is tied to a person who has been accused of sexual misconduct.
Upping my table game with a new pepper mill.
A cool art installation. Also, his advocacy for the Dream Act.
A couple of my favorite birthday gifts for kids. I love this book and this one.
NPR's Best 100 songs playlist of 2017 on Spotify.
And finally, my retail therapy (in my digital cart...just waiting for the "complete purchase" button to be pushed). You should go for it though and I will live vicariously through you! This coat, this sweater jacket, this cardigan, and these cult following jeggings (yup, you heard me...jeggings.)